How to Use Mobile Internet Marketing to its Full Potential
So now that you know what mobile internet marketing is, how can you use mobile internet marketing for your business? In the second part of our blog series on how you can use mobile internet marketing to help your business, here is an outline on how you can use mobile internet marketing to help increase the leads your business gets from their online marketing strategy.
First, you have to make sure your business web page is “viewable” on mobile devices! In the marketing industry this is known as “responsive web design”. Your current web site should be as user friendly on a mobile device as it would be on a PC. With more and more people using smartphones and tablets to surf the web everyday, it has become essential to have Web Design that can adapt to multiple screen sizes. Having a site with responsive web design can make your website attractive on any device, not just a desktop.
In addition to this, also consider whether or not your company even shows up in the mobile web. Having a presence on Google or Bing on a PC does not necessarily mean that you will show up on a mobile device. To begin with, people can access a business’ location through a variety of ways on a mobile device or tablet, from just browsing the Internet or using an iPhone application designed for the specific use of searching on the internet. The common element here is to ensure that your business is listed on search engines such as Google, but also in more local search engines such as Google Maps and Yellow Pages. Your business can use these directories are used by many major corporations to attain your address and contact information.
Once your company has begun taking part in mobile marketing, your customer service can also be dramatically improved. For example, many travel companies such as Expedia text their customers the status of their flights, taking into account the possibility of updating a potential customer who might find the details critical while they’re on the go. Messages such as this can go beyond just notifying the customer, the immediacy of such mobile marketing greatly benefits customer loyalty and VIP programs. For example, think of a barber’s shop that offers a discount for customers who would show up in the next few hours.
Advertising dollars are also continuing to rise for mobile marketing, and many experts are predicting that mobile advertising, including mobile search, social networks and location specific services are becoming more viable marketing strategies as consumers continue to adopt smart phone technology.
As franchises continue to strive to improve marketing communications with their clients while creating brand awareness in an increasingly tech-savvy world, it is hard to ignore all the benefits that come with mobile marketing. Any franchise or business that ignores mobile technology is risking losing potential customers to their competitors who are leveraging the technology. These franchises are missing the opportunity to take a step to create local marketing presence both on the Web and the mobile phone.
Moving forward, mobile internet marketing can no longer be ignored as a solution to keeping your business on the forefront of technology to improve brand awareness, provide greater value and service to your customers.
About the Author : Jamshaid (Jam) Hashmi
A serial entrepreneur with extensive background in franchising and interests in multiple online business channels, Jamshaid (Jam) Hashmi has played an instrumental role in the franchise development and success of an international franchise company. His most recent entrepreneurial interests include launching ClickTecs, a Digital Marketing company specializing in Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing as well as Website and Mobile Application development. In 2007 he co-founded Search Result, an online marketing company that supplies services to Internet Marketing Consultants. A sought after public speaker, Jam has been the featured keynote at many franchise conferences and international summits. He regularly trains ‘C’ Level Executives and supports both new and seasoned business owners on Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Optimization, Mobile Marketing, Brand Reputation Management and Conversion & Measurement through web analytics. When he’s not scaling the heights of the Internet world, Jam ‘unwinds’ on extreme thrill-seeking adventures from the jungles of the Amazon to the highest summits. His passions include working with NGOs on humanitarian missions to areas around the world affected by disasters and poverty.
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